
How To Clean Windows Smear Free

We're non exactly certain why, merely cleaning the windows is i of those tasks that gets put off until the absolute last minute. And by last minute, we mean: It'south 9 a.m. and your in-laws are visiting at 10 a.m.—the counters have been scrubbed, the beds are made, the flooring has been vacuumed—but the light coming into your habitation remains… mottled.

Okay so maybe information technology'due south considering for many of us, this ways getting up on a ladder exterior our windows, and for others, it only doesn't seem doable at all in a 5th floor walkup (hullo, city-dwellers). Unfortunately though, we've all got to face it at some point, since there'south aught that makes a space feel bigger and brighter than cleaning the windows.

Plus, it'south been a long winter of kicked-upward street salt, stay-inside days, and dirt gripping onto water marks. You'll be amazed to meet how much more light comes in one time those layers of grime has been removed. I'm besides happy to study it only took me about five minutes to make clean each window, aka, no excuses!

When cleaning your windows, aim for early in the morning time or tardily in the day—anytime the dominicus isn't direct hitting them: You'll be able to meet the streaks better when it's not as vivid, and the heat of the sun can dry out the h2o or cleaning solution yous're using onto the window before you have the chance to wipe it off (read: streaky windows).

I learned the hard mode that if you outset by spraying a cleaning solution on your window, and utilise a rag to wipe it up, y'all will stop upwards with smeared dirt. Don't exist like me; here'south how to do it right:

  • A large bucket or pot
  • Warm water
  • White vinegar (which, added to your tub of water, helps sanitize and cutting grime)
  • A large sponge
  • A squeegee
  • A few rags
  • Several sheets of paper
  • Window cleaner like Windex or a natural cleaning solution of 1:i water to vinegar (I constitute the Windex to piece of work slightly better)

1. Sponge the glass with vinegar water.

Fill your bucket with a gallon of warm water, add together 1 cup white vinegar, and then soak your sponge in it completely. Wipe the sponge across the window in an Due south-move (get to one side, and so turn around and get the opposite way, ane row down). Douse your sponge as needed, merely exercise this fairly speedily and so the h2o on the windows doesn't have time to dry before you wipe information technology off; if needed, practise your window in sections. Be especially careful to get flush against the height of the window—it's easy to miss this spot!

Photo by Jonah Ollman

2. Duster the solution away.

Slightly wet a squeegee (a dry squeegee will skip against glass) and follow the path you fabricated with the sponge, being conscientious to wipe all of the water away. You tin can use a clean textile to dot at the excess liquid and lines left, but I institute that the using the squeegee lone left the fewest streaks.

Photograph past Jonah Ollman

3. Spray the glass with cleaner.

Once you lot've cleaned the first layer of crud of your window, there's even so more than fun to be had. Spray a stronger mix of i:1 water and vinegar (or Windex, or drinking glass cleaner) at your window, so that the solution covers virtually of the glass. (I found Windex to piece of work ameliorate, but if you have pets—or kids—who oftentimes lick outdoor windows, vinegar may exist the best route for y'all.)

Photo by Jonah Ollman

4. Wipe it away with a rag.

Using a clean rag, wipe the cleaning solution across the window and window hardware—you'll be able to encounter how much grime is still left!

Photo past Jonah Ollman

5. Give it a once-over using newspaper.

In one case the window is more often than not dry, bunch up a piece of newspaper and wipe whatsoever remaining liquid off—this will ensure that information technology'due south streak-free. (Don't apply newspaper to wipe the cleaning solution off at the start become, as it will go moisture and pill-y, and fall apart.)

It'due south but as important to clean the inside of your windows as it is to clean the outside—miscellaneous marks from pets' noses and finger prints, combined with natural dust, pile upwardly make them dingy (run across photo in a higher place). But they will not, hopefully, be nearly every bit dirty as your exterior windows, which means yous can skip a few steps this go-around—you don't even demand a bucket!

  1. Either spray a natural solution of 1:1 water to vinegar or Windex at your window so that it roughly covers nigh of the window. (If you used Windex exterior, it might be worth using a natural solution indoors since in that location isn't nearly as much grime to cut through and this is what you'll exist breathing in for the next few days. For the record, I used Windex—this is a no-sentence zone.)
  2. As y'all did outside, use a clean rag to wipe the cleaning solution across the window and over all window hardware.
  3. In one case yous've by and large dried the window with the make clean rag, bunch up newspaper to wipe off any remaining liquid.
Added bonus: Your cat will have the time of her life.
Added bonus: Your cat volition accept the fourth dimension of her life.

Because my fire escape is only in front of ii windows, I take ii windows on either side of the escape that I couldn't achieve by paw. The best way to clean unreachable outdoor windows is to do the process listed above, but using extendable handle squeegees and sponges. But, since I live in a New York Metropolis flat that barely has room for a 5-gallon saucepan, let alone an extendable duster pole, I opted for the adjacent best thing: my Swiffer Wet Mop.

While my outdoor windows could take been less streaky, I'm happy to written report that the Swiffer worked just fine, in a compression—and better yet, it got rid of the dove poop I've been staring at for the meliorate part of the year!

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Exercise you have whatsoever tried-and-true window-cleaning methods? We'd love to hear about them below!
This article was updated in March 2021 to give you fifty-fifty more window-cleaning tips.


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