
How To Remove Evernote App From Android Device

  1. Bill Kerr

    Thread Starter

    I have installed Evernote. It is not what I'm looking for. How can I get rid of it. Note3 Neo.

    1. Download the Forums for Android™ app!


  2. If it's in your google browser you can just manually remove it, if it's in your laptop, i think you would have to go to control panel then uninstall program.. Good luck!!
  3. Bill Kerr

    Thread Starter

    Hi, it is installed on my note3 neo
  4. Search for "Evernote" in the Google Play store and then click on the search result with a green check/tick by its name.

    Then you will see an option to uninstall the application on the top right corner of the screen.

  5. Bill Kerr

    Thread Starter

    The only options in the App store are 'open' and 'update'.
  6. Press the "Update" button & then wait for it to finish, then that same button will change to an "Uninstall" button.
  7. Bill Kerr

    Thread Starter

    Thanks, but it only pretends to uninstall. The program is still on my phone, and the App store page changes to Open and Update again.
    This is a very determined PUP (potentially unwanted program) !
  8. If you update it, you can uninstall the update but you can't uninstall the main program.

    You have to root your phone in order to get rid of it. But in that case I would freeze the app instead of uninstalling it. Just in case a future patch needs evernote in order to install, freezing will save you headaches and it's just like uninstalling.

  9. Bill Kerr

    Thread Starter

    Thanks Bodycount.
    Do I need to root the phone to do the freezing?
    I see two apps - Titanium Backup Root
    And Titanium Backup Pro Key.

    It looks like I need both.

    Does Rooting have any negative effects? (I'm an OLD newby ! )


  10. Rooting, the only negative to it is the slim chance of bricking your device and/or voiding your warranty. If you follow a guide though you should have no problems.

    However, if you are completely unfamiliar with rooting then I would suggest to just freeze the application by going into the Settings > Application Manager > Evernote > Turn off

  11. Bill Kerr

    Thread Starter

    Thanks DC
    Only thing is, it isn't there!
    It is in a folder called Galaxy Plus. Which doesn't show up in the App Manager either
    Maybe it belongs on the phone? And can't be deleted?
  12. It's there. Go to Application Manager again, and swipe to the right until the word "All" is above the list of applications. It may take a bit of finding because some apps have a different "true" name from the one we see when we use them, but Evernote and any other programs you're not fond of will be in the list.

    Good luck! :)

    EDIT: Important note: be VERY careful messing around with apps in the "All applications" list! Some of the apps listed are system apps, and turning them off, moving them, or changing a part of them can have unwanted side-effects, including rendering the device unusable. Rule-of-thumb is to only change, remove or turn off the apps where you know what they are, and know doing so won't hurt the device.

    Sorry for the doom-and-gloom, but I thought you should know. Your intended action (turning off Evernote) should be okay. Anyway, good luck (again!) :)

  13. As you said in your first post that you installed it yourself, it would've worked if you went to the Google Play store & pressed the uninstall button, as all programs that are installed by the user from the Google Play store have to be refundable & uninstallable.

    I suspected that it was already pre-installed on the device when it wouldn't uninstall from the Google Play store.

    It won't uninstall for you unless you do as someone else has advised & root your phone. You don't really need to uninstall it as it doesn't cause any problems, and it isn't a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program), as alot of pre-installed programs are forbidden from being installed or are given system application status so that you can't do it unless you root the phone, which gives you system privileges.

  14. I would definitely agree that it isn't a PUP, it really isn't doing anything harmful to your device or annoying, perhaps the worst thing would be that it occasionally automatically updates without the consent of the user, if you have that option enabled.
  15. Bill Kerr

    Thread Starter

    Thanks guys.
    You've been a big help - it's much appreciated!
  16. Glad we could help.

    Feel free to come back to us again if you need more assistance :)

  17. LesC

    Sorry I disagree it is a PUP if I don't want it on my phone which I don't I should be able to just un-install it without having to root my phone. I have a Samsung note 4 and it came pre installed and without rooting there is no way to un-install hiding or freezing still brings up messages that it needs updates . all right it doesn't do any harm but it is annoying .and I don't want it on my phone so unless I root my phone which I don't want to do I can't remove it therefore like flicker it is a pup.
  18. weamish

    I'm in the same situation, trying to uninstall Evernote from my Dell Venue tablet. It contains sensitive info, and I don't want it on the tablet while I'm traveling. I assume that disabling it will have no effect on the desktop version or cloud storage?
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How To Remove Evernote App From Android Device


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